Editorial in memorium
Andrew Leon Hudson
Welcome to the 22nd issue of Mythaxis. It's been a while. |
Feeling the Heat
Les Sklaroff
We begin this issue with a piece by a long-time contributor and old friend of Gil’s, which places front and center that thorny problem of what makes writing good. Perhaps the solution is to admit that writing simply IS good, whether it is ugly or beautiful, famous or infamous, read or unread.
Les Sklaroff
And to follow that visit to the city of Snoak, some long-overdue onomatological context. |
Behind My Eyes
Martin M. Clark
For this memorial issue of Mythaxis, I invited former contributors to submit stories with a theme of “memory”. First amongst these is a typically gung ho mix of sf, action, and humour from Martin M. Clark, one which I think Gil would have appreciated. |
Jez Patterson
Jez Patterson’s fiction often exudes an air of nostalgia, or takes ordinary world settings and makes them a little less ordinary in unusual ways - like the sort of small British communities that always keep calm and carry on, no matter what unexpected thing might crop up today. Or every day. |
A Comic
Liam Baldwin
His Turn to Remember
John A. Frochio
Next up, flash fiction in a classic-style, treating one of the perennial tropes (or perhaps that should be “treasures”) of the genre. True, there is no glass jar here, but there have been other notable containers for our remains across the years of science fiction... |
Ilysveil: Tigers Can Remember
J. H. Zech
In another story for our memory theme, we revisit a culture in which recorded history and the fine detail of a culture’s most profound events are shown to be very different things.
The Parking Ticket
Steve Slavin
Another flash piece focusing on the past, but without brain-housing robots this one is much less spectacular in scope - at least on the surface. How much here is truth, and how much fiction? |
Good Old Days
Andrew Leon Hudson
As I am taking over as editor, I will not contribute fiction to Mythaxis going forward… with this one exception. To close our first issue without Gil, one of the first things he ever gave me feedback on: a story about personal legacies, the loss of what went before, and the potential of the future. |