
March 2014 edition (issue 14)

EditorialGil Williamson
Welcome to the 14th issue of Mythaxis.

A Closer Look at Greeming & TrulphLes Sklaroff
From toad to Multingale - it's all in a day's work. And where Smirt rules, there's no room for larks.

An Excursion to PlatportLes Sklaroff
Young Brix presents a more-than-musical offering.

Yesterday's SpoonsLes Sklaroff
Quanderpyre is reborn with a silver spoon in his future.

The Lost World of WW1Liam Baldwin
The Western Front as only Sir Arthur Conan Doyle could have imagined it.

Mount ElysiumGil Williamson
Concerning the workes of men, by the word of thy lips, I haue kept me from the paths of the destroyer. - Psalms 17:4 King James Version (1611)

First In, Last OutAndrew Leon
The Singularity may be approaching, but it can't happen all by itself. Someone is going to have to lead us to it by the hand...

Truth and Other UpgradesMartin Clark
Déjà vu is just reincarnation for beginners

Aye-NayJez Patterson
So, why did we never get to vote on whether we wanted democracy?

Date and time of last update 11:13 Sun 23 Mar 2014
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