
December 2011 edition (issue 10)

EditorialGil Williamson
Welcome to the December 2011 edition of Mythaxis.

A Preference for CheeseLes Sklaroff
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein

All Avenues ClosedMartin Clark
If you haven't read "Let Every Voice be Still", from the June 2011 Mythaxis, do so before reading this. This is the conclusion to that story.

Oh Dreary MeMatthew Kirshenblatt
A tribute to "The Wasp in the Wig", the "lost chapter" of Lewis Carrol's "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

Dietrich and the BabyTom Davies
There's no hiding from the past.

Appropriate TechnologyGil Williamson
Cold climate and no oxygen. A remedy for overcrowding?

Flesh DoubtAndrew Leon
A chilling route to self-development.

WarpedJonathan Joseph
Another take on radical surgery.

Date and time of last update 13:46 Mon 17 Feb 2014
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